September 2020
Designer Contracts, the UK’s largest flooring contractor – has been named as an approved supplier through a leading UK purchasing consortium.
With a focus on the education sector, The North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium Ltd (NEUPC) is one of six UK higher education consortia, and provides its members – including universities and colleges – with specialist procurement advice and guidance.
Designer Contracts has been awarded onto the national Floor Covering framework agreement – the second education-focused framework – having being named as a preferred supplier to the Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC) in 2019. The new agreement is available to members of NEUPC and also members of the North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium, London Universities Purchasing Consortium, Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium and Higher Education Purchasing Consortium Wales.
Said Designer Contracts md, Peter Kelsey: “We are delighted to have been awarded onto NEUPC’s national floorcovering framework and are aligned to the consortium’s values and objectives – helping its members receive the best deal.
“Over the past couple of decades, we have gained valuable experience within the education sector – understanding the various requirements needed to ensure institutions have flooring that is fit for purpose and most importantly safe.”
Designer Contracts is now a supplier across four high profile procurement platforms, including Procurement for Housing, Crescent Purchasing Consortium, ESPO and The North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium.
Operating across 15 regional outlets throughout the UK, Designer Contracts is now fully compliant with the UK government guidelines on managing the risk of Covid 19 – and has been certified as a ‘Covid Safe’ employer.